On November 21st, two members from Wiltshire Council Cabinet will be welcomed to 8 Market Place, to see for themselves the project Pewsey Community Land Trust has, involving the whole Pewsey Community, to build 7 flats for social renting and one refurbished house, to be owned by the Community in perpetuity.
Our guests will be Nick Botterill, Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning and Phillip Alford, Cabinet Member for Housing, and the meeting on 21 November has kindly been arranged by our MP Danny Kruger, who is very supportive of CLTs, not least to reduce rural poverty in all its forms.
The support of Wiltshire Council is needed to take forward the consultation processes for the Community Right to Build Order and we have been able to give them details of CRtBOs completed in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire and Totnes in Devon to show how it can be done. The way has also been paved by questions asked to Wiltshire Council Cabinet in September and November. We seem to be pioneers in Wiltshire both in using the CRtBO route instead of a planning application in order to retain ownership without tenants having the Right to Buy, and to be using previously developed land in the village instead of a greenfield site on the outskirts. We hope to be able to report progress in the New Year via The Pewsey Messenger , or sooner via the internet and comms to members.
In the meantime the latest designs remain in the library for you to look at and comment on. Also online by clicking HERE. The link will take you to a public google drive folder where you can access all the documents, reports and surveys. The 4 main ones are there and the detailed reports and surveys are in the other folder.
We thank you all for your support. We have many new members who have joined this year, membership is now over 200, and three new Directors who have added great strength to the Team. Onwards and Upwards.
The team of Directors and Advisory Board always welcomes more helpers. If you wish to make contact or obtain further information please email CLTPewsey18@gmail.com or search for the group on Facebook.
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