New Year News - we need your support

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It has been a while since our last posting and it has been a frustrating time with the 8 week planning application now dragging on to its 9th month!  PCLT are making progress, albeit slowly, with hundreds of hours and a not insignificant amount of funds invested.

As we continue to wait for a decision from planning, a process we continue to engage with, we'd like to share a case study of a local person in desperate need of affordable housing. There are others, you may know them, although for privacy we changed some details.  Below is the first of a collection- Person A 

We are now at the point where finance to pay for the site is being actively sought and we will be calling on all those with family members and friends struggling to find affordable accommodation to rent locally, to support this effort.  We cannot do this alone. We need the support of this community to make this vision a reality.


Person A

A young lady lived in Pewsey for 20+ years, went to a local School, now in her 20’s. She wants to leave family home as its now too small for 3 adults. She has worked full time since leaving school, on shifts as a care worker so is reliant on buses or a motorbike to get to work most days. Like many in health & social care she is on near to minimum wage. 

Unfortunately, a traffic accident smashed one leg, which over a period of years has reduced her ability to work full time and her mobility. She has been moved to other part-time work as a reasonable adjustment by employer. This has lasted several years, due to medical complications (bone cancer) and NHS backlogs for specialist investigations and operations. Eventually she and her partner rented a very small flat 10 miles away, as she cannot afford any housing in Pewsey on her own, or with her partner even though he is employed full time. 

For Pewsey to be a viable community it is vital that people willing to care for us or our relatives at home or in a care home, can find affordable housing in easy reach of Pewsey.


If you'd like this person and others get affordable housing in Pewsey, help our rural economy stay viable and village community thrive, then please contact Pewsey Community Land Trust, to offer your help, including writing to your County and Parish Councillors, and MP, to support our vision.
