We’re asking for pledges to secure the Police Station site.

Pledge Form QR Code

It has been some time since we have had anything to report.  The planning process has taken far, far longer than we had hoped and is, we believe, is drawing to a conclusion.  The volunteers at the CLT have invested hundreds of hours over several years to get to this point with the Police House and Station site.  Now we are asking you, the members, to participate by helping us to raise the funds for the purchase and initial costs.

“The Pewsey Community Land Trust (PCLT) is excited to announce a unique opportunity to purchase the land and buildings at 8 Market Place, right in the heart of Pewsey. This project will provide affordable homes for local people, securing much-needed housing for generations to come. With planning permission nearly in place, we’re turning to the community to help raise £374K to acquire the land and cover associated costs such as legal fees and project support. Once acquired, PCLT will own the land in perpetuity, ensuring these homes benefit the people of Pewsey long into the future. This initiative is backed by Pewsey Parish Council, local residents, and community groups. Your pledge today can make a real difference.

We’re asking for pledges—not actual donations at this stage. Your support will show us the strength of community backing for this vital project.”

Click HERE for a copy of the form explaining the process and asking you to pledge financial support.  Please read and share. The more people involved the faster we will secure the necessary funds. So even if you are not able to contribute financially, please share this with family, friends, neighbours and anyone who believes in local affordable rented housing for local people.

The word “community” in the name Community Land Trust, means just that.  This is a community project that will need the community of Pewsey to deliver the housing envisioned.


How You Can Help:
We’re asking for pledges—not actual donations at this stage. Your support will show us the strength of community backing for this vital project.
- Scan the QR code to pledge online
- Or contact us by email at cltpewsey18@gmail.com
- Or send a pledge by post to: PCLT Appeal, 8 Market Place, Pewsey, SN9 5AD

If our appeal is successful and the land is acquired, the Pewsey Community Land Trust (PCLT) will own it, in perpetuity.
We are appealing for £374K to include the land purchase, legal and professional fees, appeal costs, back-office support, signage and support for this project.
PCLT will reclaim and retain Gift Aid for donations where donors kindly agree. Any excess funds raised above the appeal total will be retained by PCLT and used to support our work in Pewsey as well as at other, or future sites in the village.