September briefing on the visit by Danny Kruger MP

Dany Kruger MP for Devizes

Canvassers for all political parties have found the message on the doorsteps loud and clear:  there is a chronic shortage of homes to rent at prices that people can afford.  Not enough social rented houses are being built and housing association houses have the right to buy.

This is where Community Land Trusts can help to fulfil the need.  The National CLT has found that 1,711 affordable houses have been built by CLTs throughout the country and a further 5,413 are in the pipeline.  Some counties have more CLTs than others.   In Wiltshire, Pewsey CLT is a pioneer both in preparing to build on a re-development site in the centre of the village, as opposed to a green field exception site on the outskirts, and the first CLT to be making a Community Right to Build Order (CRtBO), instead of a conventional planning application, in order to ensure that the ownership of the dwellings rests with the community in perpetuity.

There are lots rules and regulations to sort out, but the team is greatly encouraged that through the public engagement process more people with the skills we need have come forward to offer their help.  This is wonderful news.

Knowing that the Government is looking for ways to build social rented houses and that Danny Kruger MP has been the lead MP talking to the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP about CLTs, we asked him to come and see the display of architect’s drawings that had been prepared for Open Days at 8 Market Place, the former Police House.  He came in late August and has offered to set up a meeting for us with Wiltshire Councillors, Nick Botterill, Head of Planning, and Phil Alford, Head of Housing, together with the Officers so they can see, understand and help us to achieve the aim to provide 7 new built flats for social rent and the semi-detached house returned to being a family home and brought up to current standards for climate change possibly for shared ownership. To read what Danny Kruger thought of the scheme click HERE

We have already received much help from representatives for Homes of Our Own which was set up by Wiltshire Council & Community First to help with CLTs, and this is ongoing.

This all seems a bit like the tortoise and the hare, but who won the race in the end?

Until the next instalment and meanwhile please remember to fill in the comments sheet in Pewsey Library and post them through the door of No 8 Market Place, disregarding the end date of 5 September, and If you want to get in touch with us please email or search for the group on Facebook. 

The links to all the documents for this process are available to view on Google Drive via the link in the previous news item.